Friday, November 7, 2008

The Giant Awakens

Sorry for disappearing folks, The Giant has been pretty busy learning from the Higher Mind at Haavad these past few months. That and the whole "Yes we can!" thing was pretty gripping down here in Suburbia, VA (a blue state finally!).

So speaking of that, the President Elect has given his outline for his energy plan. I love the fact that it is completely absent of the phrase "drill, baby, drill."

Its outlined here. Its a terse read at the moment, considering they have only been "official" for a few days now, but it does have some interesting points. One that I think is a little "safe" is this one:

• Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't 20 percent already come from renewable (hydroelectric)? Maybe I should drop them a line and mention that little tidbit. Wouldn't want politicians taking credit for something that has already happened now would we?

This point I loved:
• A “Use it or Lose It” Approach to Existing Oil and Gas Leases.

That huge push to "open up" areas for offshore drilling just made it possible to acquire more drilling rights. These rights are not being reserved because we are running out of places to drill, but rather to make sure that oil companies can stake their claim, and only use it when they want too. 70%-80% of possible areas to drill are already bought and completely unused. I like to call this the "shit or get off the pot" point. This will cause the companies to actually develop the plot, or let it go back, unused.

• Weatherize One Million Homes Annually.

How does he plan to do this? Show up at my house with caulk and insulation?

Anyway, just some musings. I promise I will carve out more time.

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