Here it is, the layout for the latest version of the garden.
I'm not exactly sure the no-till aspect really helped last year. The garden was pitiful. Also, no matter how much fertilizer I put on it, I hardly got anything. Looks like I have to test the soil again and see what's missing. Also, I really do need to till it. The crabgrass is just insane and is taking over all my beds. It needs to get shredded. I also need to do a better job of weeding. I'm trying to find lower intensity means of doing this, so I think I will be adding some of that black bedding cover to keep the weeds down, still deciding. Or at least some way of making it much easier to weed.
The driveway bed downslope side is also collapsing, so I'm going to flip it over, and then think about how to replace it with something more sturdy next year. Some kind of low retaining wall.
So without further ado, here is the plan:
Monday, February 10, 2014
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